Wow, I had the most interesting weekend last week. I attending a DOG, a Dutch oven gathering. I didn't even know they existed, but since I'm a girl scout from way back when, I thought it would be a great article for the magazine I edit for. It was a blast. My husband and I went to Lexington, Texas to enjoy some really good food, all cooked on Dutch ovens.
I took my antique oven to share and en route, called my mother-in-law for more info. Turns out my husband's great grandfather was a chuckwagon cook for some of the outfits out of Fort Worth. The Dutch oven we have rode on the wagon train that took him and his family north to Oklahoma in 1905, but with him being a cook prior to this, we're guessing the oven to be something he used as early as 1890's.
Anyway, I thought I'd share since my heroine, Shauna in Once Jilted has to cook with one.