Galen couldn’t help but admire his determination. His gentle compassion for the horse was an unexpected surprise. She’d never thought to see such genuine concern in a gunslinging rustler, hounds of hell as they all were. “Well, you did a fine job, Mr. Hassett. He’s a beautiful creature. Gentle as the morning sun.”
His smile softened. “Joshua,” he corrected. “And thank you. Horses are hardy animals that thrive easily enough with a little TLC, a sense of security, and trust in their caregiver. Much like people.”
By people he surely referred to men. TLC, security and trust. All basic needs afforded a horse…but not a woman. And definitely not a woman with an ill-reputable past. She may as well cast any flight of fancy out of her mind right now. “Why did you pay Frank for a week of my services?”
“I did not pay Frank for a week of your services. I paid Frank for a week of your companionship.”
She puffed a hostile breath and sent him a twisted glare. “There’s a difference?”
He flashed that sexy smile again and she jerked her head away. “There is.”
“Oh? And what is that? You seem to forget I’m but a mere female, and have a limited knowledge when it comes to the expectations of the all powerful male.”
“C’mon Eve, you don’t honestly believe that? You strike me as an intelligent woman.”
She ignored the question, wanting to get to the heart of the matter at hand. “You’re telling me you don’t expect me to service you for the entire week?”
“I don’t expect anything but your companionship, and perhaps you’ll gift me with a few of your engaging stories.”
“You’re not serious?” She didn’t believe him. It was a trick.
“I’m very serious.” He looked solemn as a stone, the crafty bastard. She couldn’t read his thoughts to save her life.
It was too incredible to be true, wasn’t it? He was a man, after all. Therefore, he lived in an eternal state of needing to be serviced. Had she misread the longing in those glorious dark eyes? Had she failed to please him before? She was dying to know, but far too embarrassed to ask. She turned and started to walk away not wanting him to see the rejection she knew layered her eyes and caught a glimpse of the men that had been following her. She stopped. For whatever reason, the niggling oafs feared the beautiful horse rustler at her side. It might be in her best interest to take Mr. Hassett up on his generous offer. At least until she could figure out a way to escape all three hideous buffoons. “In that case, I’ll do it.”
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...more to come!
Until next time, happy reading!
Once A Rebel by Angela Ashton...available now in both print and ebook via http://www.champagnebooks.com/
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